Four videos covering the ECQC draw-stroke:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
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Clinch Pick - Confined Space Solution
John Lovell of WPS chats with Craig Douglas on the Clinch Pick's philosophy of use:
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ECQC Validation Exercise - Grounded Gun Grapple
At the end of ECQC Day 1, a validation exercise is performed by students. The day's coursework has covered problems, solutions, and decision points in the ECQ fight.
A competitive 'evolution' seeks to inject an visceral and honest experience -- Who am I in this type of fight?
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ECQ Weapon Environment - Hand Fight Strategy App
The Problem: In a clinch range fight we need to prevent the attacker from getting to or using a weapon, while creating conditions for ourselves to get to our weapon or exiting the clinch.
1. Pressure, Posture, and Position elements are developed through a series of...
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Retention Shooting - ECQC Module
Craig Douglas Instructs John of Warrior Poet Society on drawing and shooting from retention.
The problem is an extreme close quarter lethal force situation - When the attacker can strike us or foul our draw.
A solution is drawing to the thumb-pectoral index - - employed during...Last edited by Seth; 02-25-2019, 10:49 AM.
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Fight Back to Standing
We been grounded in a criminal assault.
The Attacker is yet to follow us to the ground.
We need a way to get back to standing without making worst our disadvantage.
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Surviving the Sucker Punch
The Stranger has encroached to arm striking range.
Our mental and task loads are high - slowing our decisions and actions.
We did not use an preemptive strike.
Or -- a second attacker is on us from a unseen approach.
We need a reflexive defensive movement...Last edited by Seth; 02-14-2019, 08:13 PM.
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Preemptive Striking
Our efforts to halt the stranger's encroachment has failed. The environment would support a criminal assault.
The stranger's body and verbal language are signalling cues of a physical assault.
We may need to use a simple and effective preemptive strike.
Craig Douglas...
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Verbal Agility - Prime Self Defense Skill
Criminal assaults often begin with a ruse to assess and distract the potential victim. Our ability to engage verbally to deselect ourselves as target is a prime self defense skill. In this video, Craig Douglas speaks on verbal agility in managing the approach of a stranger. Stopping encroachment and mai...Last edited by Seth; 02-14-2019, 01:45 AM.
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Managing A Stranger's Approach
Craig Douglas speaks on a strategy template for managing a stranger's approach. 1. Enhance your awareness 2. Avoiding a potential problem 3. Criminal target deselection The goal is to stop encroachment, since the criminal's assault often launches from arm's distance. Our movement must support posit...
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